
Obama assassination attempt

He hasnt even been elected yet and its clear to see that certain "americans" arent ready for a racial change in the white house. Tharin Gartrell, 28, and another man were arrested Sunday on weapons charges after the traffic stop. Gartrell was arrested after police found two rifles, a high-powered scope and methamphetamine in his car. Reports revealed Colorado police found two high-powered, scoped rifles in the car along with camouflage clothing, walkie-talkies, wigs, a bulletproof vest, a spotting scope, licenses in the names of other people and grams of meth. Gartell's partner, well one of them Shawn Adolph who currently had a warrant for arrest attempted to leap to freedom out of a sixth floor window, idiot. He was captured later after attempting to run on a broken ankle. The third member a Nathan Johnson revealed the men were planning to kill Barack Obama at his acceptance speech. Note...regardless of the attempts, minorities, well in this case African-Americans have an oppurtunity to live something which was said to be impossible, we finally have an African-American Presdiential canidate that we can say were proud of, note another horrible "Election Run" from no other than a sell-out and Obama hater Jesse "The Rev." Jackson who would love to "Cut Obamas balls off", remember that Jesse?!....Jess Jackson if you didnt know, ran for democtaic party in the years of 1984 and 1988 i believe, receiving 450 delgates in 84, and a little over 1200 in 88', you gotta get at least 2100 delegates so round two wasnt bad, but back to subject, Obama's good....and we all have faith that Mr. Barack will be taken care of by the secret service and we all need to get out this November and vote for change..........peace and love...

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